Tables of Houses. Tables showing the degrees of
the Signs which occupy the cusps of the several Houses in different latitudes
for every degree of Right Ascension, or for every 4 minutes of Sidereal Time.
Generally available are those by Dalton (1913), Raphael (1920) and Hugh Rice
There is much argument anent the
various systems of calculating the cusps of the intermediate Houses, until one
wonders sometimes why not use a stop watch to locate the degree on the horizon
every two hours. Of course it would have to be done over again in all
latitudes, and besides it would not be very scientific. Nevertheless the
general opinion is that none of the existing methods are correct for all
latitudes, even though they may be near enough for practical purposes. The four
best known systems are as follows:
Campanus. The vertical circle from the
zenith to the cast and west points of the horizon is trisected. Through these
points are drawn great circles, the House circles, from the north and south
points of the horizon. Thus the intersections will be at altitudes of 30° and
60° above the horizon, on both cast and west branches of the prime vertical.
This divides the sky into six great sectors. Similarly divide the hemisphere
below the horizon. The house cusps are the points at which the ecliptic at that
moment intersects the horizon.
Regiomontanus. The celestial circle is
trisected, instead of the prime vertical, and great circles extend from north
and south points of the horizon to the points of trisection. The house cusps
are at the points at which the ecliptic intersects the horizon. At the Equator
the two systems give the same cusps, the disparity increasing as one approaches
the Earth's poles.
Horizontal. Starting with great circles at
the meridian and ante-meridian, the horizon and the prime vertical, add other
great circles from Zenith to Nadir which trisect each quadrant of the horizon.
The cusps will then be the points at which on a given moment the ecliptic
intersects the vertical circles.
Placidus Instead of using great circles,
the diurnal motion of the Earth causes a celestial object to intersect the cusp
of the 12th House, after a sidereal-time interval equal to one-third of its
semi-diurnal arc; to intersect the cusp of the 11th House after a sidereal-time
interval equal to two-thirds of its semi-diurnal arc; and to culminate at the
meridian after an interval of sidereal time that corresponds to the
semi-diurnal arc. The semi-arc from the meridian that intersects the Eastern
horizon gives the Ascendant; and the 2nd and 3rd house cusps are similarly
extended below the horizon. The Placidian cusps are in almost universal use at
the present time. Maurice Wemyss takes exception to the Placidus cusps on the
grounds that the Ascendant is located according to one system and the
intermediate cusps by another. He prefers what he terms the "Rational
Method" of Regiomontanus.
A set of Tables of Houses for
Lat. 40° N., which is approximately the latitude of New York, in which can be
seen a comparison of these four systems, is to be found in the American
Astrology Ephemeris for the year 1941. The Tenth House is common to an four
systems, and this is theoretically correct. The discrepancies show in the
intermediate cusps between the IC and MC. The Ascendant is also the same for
three of the four systems, but the Horizontal system has its own Ascendants.
Different Latitudes require different sets of tables. Published volumes
containing Tables of Houses for all Latitudes are available, most of them,
however, confined to the Placidus system, which is the one most generally used.
The one by Hugh Rice is the most recent and the most elaborate, with the cusps
computed to several decimals.
Unless you have a birth moment
that is correct to the minute, and beyond doubt, detailed methods are futile
and misleading, and one might well confine himself to whole degrees and ignore
the decimals. By means of these tables of houses computed for different
latitudes, one is able to ascertain what degrees of the zodiac appeared upon
the Ascendant and the various House cusps on any hour of any day, as calculated
from the siderial time at noon of that day as indicated in the ephemeris.
Actually the tables may be said to divide distance by time, showing how many
degrees of the equator will pass the ASC or MC, as if the planet were there. It
is to be understood, of course, that this is a rule-of-thumb short-cut for
average use when one is not too certain of the reliability of his birth data,
and is not to be used when seeking exactness.
T-cross. v. Cosmic Cross.
Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac.
v. Signs.
Telepathy. Transmission of thoughts from
one to another of two minds that presumably are in attunement or affinity,
without the aid of any orthodox means of communication through ordinary channels
of sensation. It is generally supposed that an accent on Neptune confers
sensitive receptivity to telepathic communications. This may occur at close
range or over a long distance.
Telescope. An optical instrument assisting
the eye or camera in viewing or photographing distant objects, magnifying the
celestial bodies, and concentrating a larger beam of light to render the image
more distinct. Some ancient references suggest that it was known to the Greeks
and Romans. In the Pyramid is found evidence that at some period the Egyptians
had a form of reflecting telescope. Refracting telescopes were first made in
Holland in 1608. Hearing about them, Galileo made one for himself and in 1620
began his experiments. The earliest known reflecting telescope was that
perfected by James Gregory of Edinborough in 1663.
Temporal Houses. 2, 6, 10. v. Houses.
Terminal Houses, The. 4th, 8th, 12th Houses (q.v.),
corresponding to the Signs of the Watery Triplicity. So called because they
govern the terminations of three occult or mysterious phases of life: the 4th,
the end of the physical man; the 8th, the liberation of the soul; and the 12th,
of the hopes to which the native secretly aspires.
Terms of the planets. The planetary Terms comprises a
system of subrulerships of portions of a Sign by different planets, whereby the
nature of a planet posited in a Sign is altered to that of the planet in whose
term it happens to be posited. These subdivisions - applicable only to the
interpretation of a Horary Figure - are largely disregarded by the moderns,
most of whom deem them the fanciful invention of the Egyptians to account for
effects now ascribed to the influences of formerly unknown planets. Other
authorities who use them in the practice of Horary Astrology claim that they
yield excellent results. Ptolemy made light of the Egyptian Tables as devoid of
either rhyme or reason. He then laid down a set of rules and made his own
Tables - to which he himself failed to conform. Sepharial, Alan Leo and Wilson
all give Tables of these Terms - no two, however, exactly alike - while all
more or less scoff at their value. Ptolemy gave 6° to each of the five planets.
Any planet whether or not a malefic, which had two dignities came first;
otherwise the malefics came last. He next gave to each planet extra points of
valuation, two for Sign-position and one each for Exaltation and Triplicity,
subtracting these points from the value of the malefics. The Term occupied by a
planet denotes that the person it signifies is of a disposition indicated by
the Lord of the Term, but with no reference to his wealth, poverty, or station
in life.
.SIGN........|......................TERMS AS
REVISED BY PTOLEMY......................|
*Meaning the first six degrees, from 0º0' to
5º59' - and so on.
The series of terms according to the Egyptians,
were as follows:
...Aries....... Jupiter 6, Venus 6, Mercury 8, Mars 5,
Saturn 5.
...Taurus...... Venus 8, Mercury 6, Jupiter 8, Saturn
5, Mars 3.
...Gemini...... Mercury 6, Jupiter 6, Venus 5, Mars 7,
Saturn 6.
...Cancer...... Mars 7, Venus 6, Mercury 6, Jupiter 7,
Saturn 4.
...Leo......... Jupiter 6, Venus 5, Saturn 7, Mercury
6, Mars 6.
...Virgo....... Mercury 7, Venus 10, Jupiter 4, Mars
7, Saturn 2.
...Libra....... Saturn 6, Venus 8, Jupiter 7, Mercury
7, Mars 2.
...Scorpio..... Mars 7, Venus 4, Mercury 8, Jupiter 5,
Saturn 6.
...Sagittarius. Jupiter 12, Venus 5, Mercury 4, Saturn
5, Mars 4.
...Capricorn... Mercury 7, Venus 6, Jupiter 7, Mars 5,
Saturn 5.
...Aquarius.... Mercury 7, Venus 6, Jupiter 7, Mars 5,
Saturn 5.
...Pisces...... Venus 12, Jupiter 4, Mercury 3, Mars
9, Saturn 2.
Testimony. A partial judgment based upon
the influence of a certain planet as conditioned by Sign and House, strength of
position and aspects, or of a certain configuration of planets in a Figure. The
synthesis of several testimonies constitutes a judgment. The term as used by
Ptolemy is approximately synonymous with Argument.
Tetrabiblios. Literally four books. The oldest
record of the astrological system of the ancients which has survived. It dates
from about 132-160 A.D. In it the author, Claudius Ptolemy, the great Egyptian
mathematician, says that it was compiled from "ancient" sources. v.
Ptolemaic Astrology.
Tetractys - ten symbolic dots. A theory advanced by Pythagoras, who affirmed the existence of
ten bodies in our Solar System. The ancients knew only seven such bodies, but
modern astronomers have discovered the other three: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
. .
. . .
. . . .
This symbol as used by Pythagoras
consisted of ten dots arranged in triangular form, as illustrated. By
connecting the dots in different ways many rectangles and triangles were
formed, all intimately associated with the Pythagorean mathematical system by
means of which he explains his conception of the truths of the universe. This
may explain the missing apex of the pyramid, as can be seen in the great seal
of the United States, as printed on some of the paper currency.
Tetragon, n. Tetragonous,
Syn. of quartile, or a square aspect. v. Aspect.
Coeli. The figure
of the heavens. v. Figure.
Throne. Some astrologers who lean to
hyperbole rather than consistency and lucidity describe a planet as on its
throne when in a Sign of which it is the Ruler. In a more ancient and more
logical usage it was applied to a planet posited in that part of a Sign wherein
it had more than one Dignity.
Time. The measurement of time is inseparable from considerations of
place, and of a point of reference. The establishing of the actual moment of an
occurrence, and its statement in terms of Universal Time, is one of the most
difficult problems with which the astrologer deals, because of the prevalent
neglect on the part of those who make the record of the moment of an event, to
qualify it by stating in what manner of time it is noted: whether apparent
solar time, as shown on a sundial; mean time, as shown by a clock adjusted to
the meridian of the place; local Standard Time, as shown by a clock adjusted to
a Standard time meridian, and if so, which one; or whether in Daylight Saving
Time, War Time, Double Summer Time; and so on.
Sidereal Time. That in which the point of reference is a star - as the most
nearly fixed point in the universe as it appears from the Earth. Two successive
crossings of a star is the measurement of a sidereal day, which is divided into
24 hours, beginning with oh and continuing to 23h 59m. It is used by
astronomers, chiefly to express in hours and minutes of sidereal time the
Midheaven longitude of a given place. Prior to 1925 0h of the astronomical day
coincided with noon but in that year astronomical and civil time were made to
coincide, since when oh has coincided with midnight.
Solar Time. That in which the point of reference is the Sun. This may be apparent
Solar time, as shown by a sundial; or local Mean Time, as shown by a clock
adjusted to an average rather than an actual day. This is explained more fully
under Equation of Time (q.v.). With Solar Time, noon was approximately four minutes
earlier or later with every increase of distance of 1° East or West of
Greenwich Observatory, which at zero longitude is the point for which Universal
or World Time is computed. Apparent and Mean Solar Time coincide four times a
year: on April 15, June 14, Sept. 1 and Dec. 25. At all other times the Sun is fast or slow by from
one to sixteen minutes.
Standard Time. Since the meeting of train schedules is impossible on the basis
of local time, Standard time-zone meridians were spaced at intervals of 15° of
longitude East and West of Greenwich, and all clocks within each zone were
adjusted to the mean Solar time of the midpoint of the zone. Standard Time was
generally adopted on Nov. 18, 1883, but it did not come into common use in some
localities until after many years had elapsed. Even yet there are communities
in which the time of day is given in Sun time; unless you wish to catch a
train, in which case you are given Railway Time. Not only that, but longitude
is becoming an increasingly unreliable guide, for some communities which are
actually in the Central Standard Time zone run by Eastern Standard Time, to
make their business day coincide with that of some nearby city across the
meridian; and similarly at various points throughout the world. Lacking such
exceptions, all places in the United States east of 82°39' W. Long. are
theoretically in the Eastern Standard Time zone, and their time is 5h earlier
than that of Greenwich; Central Standard Time, 6h earlier than Greenwich,
applies to points between 82°30' and 97°30' W. Long.; Mountain Standard Time,
7h earlier than Greenwich, between 97°30' and 112°30' W. Long.; and Pacific
Standard Time, 8h earlier than Greenwich, to all points in the United States
west of Long. 112°30'. However, one need but observe on any time zone map the
irregular lines which indicate the Time Zone meridians across the country, to
realize how important it is that any statement of time of an event is
incomplete and unreliable unless it carries with it a statement of the kind of
time in which the event was recorded, and the standard meridian adopted by that
Daylight Saving Time. This was originated in England in 1916, where it was called
Summer Time. It consists of an arbitrary setting ahead of the clock by one
hour, thereby shifting all the day's activities an hour earlier, ending the
work day that much sooner and leaving an hour more of daylight in which to
indulge in seasonal recreations. In general, it commences at 2 A.M. of the
Sunday following the third Saturday in April, and ends on the Sunday after the
first Saturday in October. This is not a reliable guide, for in its earlier
years it sometimes began as early as March 24. Furthermore, during World War II
England set the clock ahead by two hours, making Double Summer Time. During the
same period, beginning Feb. 9, 1942 at 2 P.M., the United States had War Time,
a year-round setting ahead of the clock by one hour. Prior to that, some parts
of the United States observed Daylight Saving Time during certain periods in
certain years, but other localities refused to accept or ratify it; and even in
those where it was legally authorized, many refused to abide by it. Even though
a record of the vagaries of time observance is attempted in a volume called World Daylight Saving
Time, by Curran and Taylor, the only safe way to record an event is
not only to state in what kind of time it was recorded, but in addition to give
its equivalent in Greenwich Standard or Universal Time. In most other countries
the problem is still more complicated. All of Mexico is -6h, except part of
Lower California, which is -8h. Some adopt a time meridian that involves a
half-hour adjustment, like Hawaii, which is GMT - 10h 30m. All of Russia
adjusts to a time unit which is the virtual equivalent of permanent daylight
saving. Bolivia is -4:33 and Venezuela -4:30. In addition, there is for some
Middle European countries an adjustment of the date itself from the old-style
to the new-style calendar, and the impossible determination whether time was
given in apparent Sun time or Solar Mean time, or whether some arbitrarily
selected meridian became the basis for the standard time of the country.
The important factors for the
astrologer to establish are: (1) the exact equivalent of a given moment as expressed in
Universal Time, in order therefrom to compute from the Ephemeris the exact
position occupied by the planets at that precise moment; and (2) the
exact equivalent of the same moment in Local Mean Time for the place where the
event occurred, wherefrom with the aid of the sidereal time of noon or midnight
on that date, and of Tables of Houses for the Latitude of the place, to
calculate the Midheaven position, the Ascendant degree, and the intermediate
cusps of the Figure. Universal Time is variously called World Time, Greenwich
Civil Time, Greenwich Standard Time, or zero zone time.
An ephemeris calculated for other than
zero meridian is a simplification that is of doubtful value, in that it
introduces the possibility of confusion on the part of those who work by
formulas rather than by a comprehension of the elements involved. In using an
ephemeris calculated, let us say, for 75° W. Long., one bases his calculations
on that time meridian, instead of the zero meridian, correcting zone time to
local time by subtracting 4m for each degree of longitude W., or adding it for
each degree of Long. E., of the 75th meridian.
Army and Navy Time. Just as the Navy has long since abandoned the traditional method
of "boxing the compass" and instead indicates direction in degrees
from 1 to 360, so both Army and Navy have abandoned the twelve-hour clock in
favor of the 24-hour clock, which begins at midnight as 0000h, is 1200 at noon,
1330h at half-past-one, and so on until 2359h, which is one minute before oh of
the next day. Thus A.M. and P.M. become no longer necessary in connection with
the time of day or night. The public will be slow to demand 24-hour clocks and
watches, but indications and efficiency point to the probability of their
eventual general use.
Recording a Birth Moment. Never make record of or state a birth hour as midnight, for the
day both begins and ends with midnight, and in time you yourself will not know
which it was - resulting in a tiny difference of twenty-four hours. The day
begins with 0h; noon is 12h. A minute before midnight can be 11:59 P.M., or
23:59h - but midnight is oh of the next day.
Time. Correction of Mean to Sidereal Time. In
calculating the Sidereal Time for a given moment of birth, add the solar hours
elapsed since the previous noon to the Sun's noon position at Greenwich as
given in the ephemeris in Sidereal Time. (Apolo's Note: this applies only if
you are using an ephemeris with readings for noon; if using one for midnight,
which is easier, then add the solar hours elapsed since midnight on the start
of the day of birth.) This requires the further addition of a
little less than ten seconds (9.86 seconds) per hour to compensate for the
difference between solar and sidereal time.
[A further correction for longitude is
made by way of adjusting the Greenwich position to that of the place for which
the correction is made.]
Transit. The ephemeral passage of a planet over the place of any
Significator, moderator or planet, or any point where it forms an aspect
thereto, whether in a radix, progressed, Solar Revolution or Horary Figure.
Transits are taken from the ephemeris for the current year. Generally speaking
the passage of the benefic planets over, or in aspect to, the radical and
progressed places of the several Significators is favorable; of the malefics
Kuno Foelsch, Ph.D., in his work on
Transits, which actually treats of the Solar Revolution, concurs in the
suggestion that during the Middle Ages it became necessary to devise some
system of approximating future conditions, for the reason that Ephemerides
calculated for years in advance were not then obtainable. Speaking of Transits,
he expresses the confident belief that "other methods will eventually
disappear, especially those which are dependent upon hypothetical elements
which have no connection with the actual astronomical positions of the planets
as recorded by scientifically operated observations."
Transit of a planet across the Sun. A transit of Venus across the Sun can occur only when the Sun is
within 1° 45' of the Node, and the Earth is passing the Node. These occur in
pairs - the last two in 1874 and 1882. The next recurrence will be June 8,
2004, and June 6, 2012. Mercury transits are more frequent.
Transitor. A slow-moving major planet whose lingering aspect to a birth
planet produces a displacement of equilibrium, which is then activated by an
additional aspect from a Culminator, a faster-moving body such as the Sun or
Moon, to the same or another planet, thereby precipitating the externalization.
Translation of Light. The conveyance of influence which occurs when a transiting
planet, while separating from an aspect to one planet is found to be applying
to an aspect to another, in which event some of the influence of the first
aspected planet is imparted to the second aspected planet by a translation of
light. For example, assume an Horary Figure in which Jupiter or Saturn, the
Significators of the parties to the negotiation of an agreement, are in no
aspect to each other; but Venus while separating from Jupiter is applying to an
aspect of Saturn. There results a translation of light from Jupiter to Saturn,
which is a powerful testimony that Venus represents a person or an idea that
will bring about a settlement. The nature of the aspect, and of the aspecting
and aspected planets through which the translation is accomplished, determines
whether the outcome will be fortuitous.
Transmutation. The advantageous utilization, on the part of a controlled and
developed character, of an astrological influence which otherwise might exert a
destructive and disruptive force. It is a term borrowed from the alchemists who
sought to transmute baser metals into gold, whereby to suggest a process of
spiritual alchemy through which a baser emotion is dedicated to a noble
Trigon. A term applied to the three signs of the same triplicity.
Trigonocrators. Rulers of Trigons
FIRE:........Sun, Jupiter......Sun, Jupiter, Mars
EARTH:.......Venus, Moon.......Venus, Mercury,
AIR:.........Saturn, Mercury...Venus, Saturn
WATER:.......Mars..............Moon, Mars, Mercury
Some modern authorities confine the
Moon and Mars to a Nocturnal Figure, substituting Venus and Mars if a Day
Trimorion. An aspect in Mundo which embraces three Houses, hence a Mundane
square, but which in some instances may actually extend to as much as 120°;
hence in Primary Directions it was sometimes called the killing arc, since 120
years were deemed the natural limit of life.
Trine, n. An aspect of 120°.
Trine, vb.
Used in describing the motion of a planet to a trine aspect with
the body or place of another planet.
Trinities. v.
Triplicities. v.
Tropical Signs. Cancer and Capricorn. v. Signs.
Tropical Year. The Solar Year; the period of 365d, 5h, 48m, 4.5s, during which
the Sun's centre passes from one Vernal Equinox to the next. Because of the
precession, it is shorter than the Sidereal Year by 20m, 23.5s.
True Solar Day. v.
Trutine. A term employed by Hermes in the process of rectification (q.v.).
Twilight. The illumination of the Earth's atmosphere after sunset, visible
until the Sun is about 18° below the horizon. Its duration depends upon the
time required for the Sun to traverse this distance. At the Equator this
requires about an hour at any time of year, but during Summer lasts for a much
longer period. As one passes beyond 40° N. latitude, the interval is lengthened
in the Summer and shortened in the Winter.